Gematria is a particular study of Jewish mysticism ased on the numerical value of Hebrew letters in the Aleph Bais {Hebrew alphabet} as inscribed in the Torah. Jewish Gematria has many disciplines.
This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in loving memory to my father-in-law, Mr. Arnold Student Litman, may he rest in peace.
If you would like to dedicate a Gematria lesson for our cyberspace class in the memory of a dear friend or loved one we will do this for a gift of Chai, $18.00 American dollars.
Bereishis, the first word of Torah, means in [the] beginning. The Gematria for Bereishis is 913. This is exactly 300 more than the mitzvos of Torah, 613. Yet there is a connection between Bereishis and the Mitzvos. To understand this Mystical / Spiritual connection one must examine the difference between Bereishis {913} and all the Torah Mitzvos {613}. We are told by our sages that the Torah existed before the Creation of the world. In Zohar it is stated that the ten commands of Creation came forth from the Torah. The Mystical bridge between Bereishis and Torah Mitzvos is 300. The man that Hashem Yaw Tzawr {formed} was the bridge between Bereishis and Torah mitzvos. Yet even though Adam was not the man to fulfill the mitzvos he had the potential. Holy reader, it is the Yah Tzahr, the inclination within man that has the ability to choose to fulfill the commands of Hashem. Every human is created with a Yah Tzahr. This is the original package that man was created with. This is the original operating system that all humans have from birth. From the beginning every human had the potential to become a spiritual bridge in observing the Torah Mitzvos. Our sages teach that Hashem offered the Torah, the 613 mitzvos to every nation and every people of the world before he offered it to Kal Yisroel. Every nation and every people of the world rejected the Torah, the 613 mitzvohs as most still do today. Only the descendants of Kee Eem Yisroel, meaning for the nation of Yisroel or for the people of Yisroel was the Covenant of Torah given. The Gematria of
Bi Rees {Covenant} and Kee Eem Yisroel {for the people of Yisroel} are both 612. Then when we add the Gematria of Yah Tzahr we have 912. We are ONE short that is until we include G-d as the establisher of the Covenant. So we have G-d as ONE + Kee Eem Yisroel + Yah Tzahr which combined equal 913, Bereishis.
Bereishis {in [the] beginning}
913 = Sav 400 Yud 10 Shin 300 Aleph 1 Reish 200 Bais 2
613 Torah Mitzvos
Yah Tzahr {mans inclination of good / evil}
300 = Reish 200 Tzaddik 90 Yud 10
913 = 613 + 300
The Covenant between G-d represented by Echad, meaning ONE, makes this connection to Kal Yisroel represented by Kee Eem Yisroel {for the people of Yisroel} + Yah Tzahr.
Bi Rees {Covenant}
612 = Sav 400 Yud 10 Reish 200 Bais 2
Kee Eem Yisroel {for the people of Yisroel}
612 = Lamid 30 Aleph 1 Reish 200 Sin 300 Yud 10 - Mem 40 Aleph 1 - Yud 10 Cuf 20
1 = G-d
Yah Tzahr {mans inclination of good / evil}
300 = Reish 200 Tzaddik 90 Yud 10
913 = 1 + 612 + 300
Kal Yisroel chose Hashem by accepting the Covenant, the Torah mitzvos. Before the world was created Hashem knew Kal Yisroel would be the only nation / people to choose His Covenant. That being the situation we now have a distinction between the Yah Tzahr of the chosen and the Yah Tzahr of everyone else. We observe this mystical connection in the phrase Peh Sah Ach Lah Hashem Hee Mohl - Loh - Chawl - Zaw Chawr - Vi Awz, meaning [To offer the] Pesach offering to Hashem [Only] every circumcised male then may [come]... Exodus 12:48. In other words, the Covenant is only with the circumcised ... Kal Yisroel. We see the mystical connection in the words: Peh Sah Ach Lah Hashem Hee Mohl - Loh - Chawl - Zaw Chawr - Vi Awz.
Bi Rees {Covenant}
612 = Sav 400 Yud 10 Reish 200 Bais 2
Peh Sah Ach - Lah Hashem - Hee Mohl - Loh - Chawl - Zaw Chawr - Vi Awz
{To offer the Pesach offering to Hashem [Only] every circumcised male may [come]}
Peh Sah Ach - Lah Hashem {[To offer the] Pesach offering to Hashem}
204 = Hey 5 Vav 6 Hey 5 Yud 10 Lamid 30 - Ches 8 Samech 60 Pey 80
Hee Mohl - Loh - Chawl {[only] every circumcised male]
167 = Lamid 30 Chof 20 - Vav 6 Lamid 30 - Lamid 30 Vav 6 Mem 40 Hey 5
Zaw Chawr - Vi Awz {may come}
241 = Zayin 7 Aleph 1 Vav 6 - Reish 200 Chof 20 Zayin 7
612 = 204 + 167 + 241
The first Torah record of light being spoken of is in Genesis 1:3 Vah Yoh Mehr - E-ohim - Yi Hee - Oohr - Vah Yi Hee - Oohr {And said G-d let there be light and there was light}. When Genesis 1:3 is viewed through the lens of Bereishis {in [the] beginning} there is a difference of 100 until one adds Yaw Meem {time, days, years}. The time between the Bereishis of Genesis 1:1 and Ehs Haw Oohr of Genesis 1:4 is the introduction of Torah. Then to the Ehs Haw Oohr {613} we added the Yah Tzahr {300} from the children of the Covenant.
Vah Yoh Mehr - E-ohim - Yi Hee - Oohr - Vah Yi Hee - Oohr
{And said G-d let there be light and there was light}.
Vah Yoh Mehr - E-ohim {And said G-d}
343 = Mem 40 Yud 10 Hey 5 Lamid 30 Aleph 1 - Reish 200 Mem 40 Aleph 1 Yud 10 Vav 6
Yi Hee - Oohr {let there be light}
232 = Reish 200 Vav 6 Aleph 1 - Yud 10 Hey 5 Yud 10
Vah Yi Hee - Oohr
238 = Reish 200 Vav 6 Aleph 1 - Yud 10 Hey 5 Yud 10 Vav 6
813 = 343 + 232 + 238
100 = 913 - 813
Yaw Meem {time, days, years}
100 = Mem 40 Yud 10 Mem 40 Yud 10
Ehs Haw Oohr {[Aleph to Sav of] the Torah}
613 = Reish 200 Vav 6 Aleph 1 Hey 5 - Sav 400 Aleph 1
Mystically we observe how G-d {as ONE}, the Covenant and the people of the Covenant {Kee Eem Yisroel} are linked to Bereishis. We also observe from the beginning how G-ds people, the people of the Covenant - ONLY the circumcised - were selected by G-d the originator of the Covenant to bring the Pesach Offering. Only B'nei Yisroel were selected to bring offerings before Hashem even though that does not exclude non-Jews. The difference is that B'nei Yisroel is commanded to bring offerings from {Bereishis} in [the] beginning. This command is part of the Torah mitzvos we are referring to. The non-Jewish world is not commanded to bring animal / meal offerings before Hashem. In addition we mystically observe that the Torahs first occurrence of light directly relates to the Torah and Kal Yisroel.
Good Shabbos!