This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in the loving memory of Mr. Donald Wayne Belk and Mr. Gary Lee Belk, my older brothers, may they rest in peace.
Within the Gematria of five words we see the Creators intention for inheritance. We observe Kee {for} Bi Yitzchok {in Isaac} Yee Kaw Ray {you shall declare} Li Chaw {your} Zaw Rah {seed}. Genesis 21:12.
Dear ones, Avraham did not choose Yitzchok over Yishmael. Avraham loved Yishmael. Hashem, the Creator of the Universe, chose Yitzchok over Yishmael. Did this mean Yishmael was evil? No! Did this mean Yishmael did something wrong? No! Did this have anything to do with Yishmael? No! The fact is that Hashem, King of the Universe, made a declaration that no one can alter. Hashem said to Avraham and to the entire Jewish and Spiritualist world, ...for in Isaac you shall declare your seed. Hashems declaration cannot be taken lightly. This command meant that Yitzchok would be the single heir of Avraham. Everything that belonged to Avraham would pass to Yitzchok as a result of this Royal Command by the King of the Universe. Avraham had no say so in this matter!
Now having said this, Avraham understood the Divine decree, yet that did not make him happy or joyful. Avraham was saddened. Avraham considered this wrong. Avraham considered this an injustice to Yishmael. So what happens...?
Hashem, King of the Universe, tells Avraham, Dont view this as wrong in your eyes... Genesis 21:12 Yet this command was so contrary to Avrahams beliefs - from his practices to his nature of bringing people in. Avraham was not accustomed to sending people away, especially his own wife and son. Yet Avraham did as commanded by Hashem. This is hard to understand and difficult to explain. Can you imagine how it was for Avraham, Avrahams wife Hagar and Avrahams son Yishmael? Yet we do not have the eternal view of the universe as our Creator has. We do not have the knowledge of the Creator either. So we may be tempted to express emotions like Avraham felt without having the benefit of the entire picture as Hashem has.
The Gematria for Kee Bi Yitzchok Yee Kaw Ray Li Chaw Zaw Rah is 878.
Kee Bi Yitzchok Yee Kaw Ray Li Chaw Zaw Rah ...for in Isaac you shall declare your seed.
Kee Bi Yitzchok {for in Isaac}
240 = Kuf 100 Ches 8 Tzaddi 90 Yud 10 Bais 2 - Yud 10 Chof 20
Yee Kaw Ray - Li Chaw Zaw Rah {you shall declare your seed}
638 = Ayin 70 Reish 200 Zayin 7 - Chof 20 Lamid 30 - Aleph 1 Reish 200 Kuf 100 Yud 10
878 = 240 + 638
This is the same Gematria of another important word / statement in Genesis 24:40. It is 36 years later, Avraham is 136 years of age. He requires his most trusted servant Eliezer - not his son Yishmael - to acquire a wife for Yitzchok. Now please keep in mind that Avraham married Sarah, his half sister. So why doesnt Avraham seek a wife from Yishmaels children who are close by? After all, Yitzchok would be an uncle of similar age to the one he could have married. That may have reunited his sons and their families... It would seem like a reasonable thing to do. Yet Avraham does not do this. There is no evidence that he even considers this. This might have united Avrahams children.
Instead Avraham instructs his most trusted servant to go to his native land to select a wife for Yitzchok. Later we learn that Avraham used a specific word in his instruction to Eliezer. That word was You shall take a wife for my son Mee Meesh Pah Chi Tee {from my family}. As it turns out Eliezer returns with Avrahams great niece, Rivkah. The Gematria for Mee Meesh Pah Chi Tee is also 878.
Mee Meesh Pah Chi Tee {from my family}
878 = Yud 10 Sav 400 Ches 8 Pey 80 Shin 300 Mem 40 Mem 40
Holy reader, these two Gematrias share great significance. First, Hashem declares Avrahams seed as Yitzchok. And second, Avraham declares his family as Nachor and his children as opposed to his son Yishmael and his descendants. This carries great significance. That significance is separation.
Next we read many years later Vah Tee Chee - Ru Ach - Yaakov - Ah Vee Hehm {and the spirit of Yaakov revived}. Genesis 45:27 One must wonder why the spirit of Yaakov revived. What was it that caused him to take off his sackcloth and stop his mourning? It was the news that his son Yoseif, his seed, was not dead. It was the revived possibility that his twelve sons would be Kal Yisroel. It was the revived possibility that his sons were the chosen as his father Yitzchok was the chosen by Hashem. This was great news. The Gematria of that good news tells it all. Yoseif was not dead, there was again hope, thank G-d! The Gematria of Vah Tee Chee - Ru Ach - Yaakov - Ah Vee Hehm {and the spirit of Yaakov revived} is also 878.
Vah Tee Chee - Ru Ach - Yaakov - Ah Vee Hehm
{and the spirit of their father Jacob revived}
Vah Tee Chee - Ru Ach - {and the spirit revived}
638 = Ches 8 Vav 6 Reish 200 - Yud 10 Ches 8 Sav 400 Vav 6
Yaakov - Ah Vee Hehm {their father Jacob}
240 = Mem 40 Hey 5 Yud 10 Bais 2 Aleph 1 - Bais 2 Kuf 100 Ayin 70 Yud 10
878 = 638 + 240
Please notice the Gematria Match 638 of the words:
Yee Kaw Ray - Li Chaw Zaw Rah {you shall declare your seed}
638 = Ayin Reish Zayin - Chof Lamid - Aleph 1 Reish 200 Kuf 100 Yud 10
Vah Tee Chee - Ru Ach - {and the spirit revived}
638 = Ches 8 Vav 6 Reish 200 - Yud 10 Ches 8 Sav 400 Vav 6
When Jews declare their seed by their actions, especially through marriage, their seed revives.
Now notice the Gematria Match 240 of the words:
Kee Bi Yitzchok {for in Isaac}
240 = Kuf 100 Ches 8 Tzaddi 90 Yud 10 Bais 2 - Yud 10 Chof 20
Yaakov - Ah Vee Hehm {their father Jacob}
240 = Mem 40 Hey 5 Yud 10 Bais 2 Aleph 1 - Bais 2 Kuf 100 Ayin 70 Yud 10
Here we see the generational connection for in Yitzchok and their father Yaakov. That was only possible because of their marriage within Yiddishkeit.
In these Gematrias we see the hope of Kal Yisroel. We see the future! We see the fulfillment of promise. We also see the challenge. That challenge is when Jews recognize their family - Kal Yisroel, their seed, and marry within it! As we observe Rosh HaShonah this should be one of our foremost prayers, the end to intermarriage, the serious continuation of our seed to the next generation and the next generation! The promise of the future is the observances we hold dear now!
May you and those dear to you be inscribed in the Book of Life. The staff of JewishPath and 7commands joins with Naomi and me in wishing you the best for a year of peace, joy, health, prosperity and continual spiritual growth.
Li Shaw Naw - Toh Vaw - Tee Caw Say Voo
For a Good Year, May you be inscribed [in the Book of Life],