The High Holiday of Shavuos

First Day: Exodus 19:1 - 20:23
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Ezekiel 1:1 - 28, 3:12

Shabbos Shavuos

Second Day: Deuteronomy 14:22 - 16:17
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Habakkuk 2:20 - 3:19
Special Reading: Book of Ruth

Naomi ©

By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

This study is dedicated in the loving memory of Mr. Donald Wayne Belk and Mr. Gary Lee Belk, my older brothers, may they rest in peace.

We include the reading of Sefar Roos {Book of Ruth} during the high holiday of Shavuos because it shares the most beautiful story of Ruth converting to Judaism. Sefar Roos shares the tragic story of Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, and her dire situation. Naomi lost her husband and both sons while living in the land of Moav. The Tenach says, “..the woman remained from her two sons and from her husband.” Ruth 1:5 Some translators say that the woman was bereft, that she was deprived of her husband and sons.

For many it is difficult to understand why Eh Lee Meh Lech {G-d [the] King} would move to the land of Moav even though there was great famine in Bethlehem of Judah. Years later when Naomi {pleasant one} returned without her husband and her two sons Mach Lohn {illness / sickness / disease} and Cheel Yohn {destruction / ruin / extinction} the community is described in Tenach as being Vah Tay Hohm {in a noise... in an uproar... to be brought down... to be destroyed}. {Ruth 1:19}

Naomi shared her great disappointment when she said “Do not call me Naomi {pleasant one} call me Maw Rawh {embittered / depressed}.” Ruth 1:20 Tenach continues with her feelings, “...[Why?] because the M-ghty One has given me bitterness. I was complete [a husband and two sons] when I went out and Hashem has returned me empty. How can you call me Naomi seeing that Hashem witnessed against me, seeing that the M-ghty One has brought evil on me?” Ruth 1:21

Naomi expresses the emotions of one who is embittered. Naomi shares the feelings of a wife and mother who feels like she has lost everything. She expresses the emotions of one who is very sad and depressed! Do you know what that feels like? My dear mother, may she rest in peace, from time to time expressed strong emotions about my older brothers Donald Wayne and Gary Lee, may they rest in peace. Even though Momma had her husband and three younger sons she would cry for the two sons that she did not have. Often at the mention of either of my brothers’ names, Momma would soon after begin wiping tears from her eyes. On their birthdays and on their Yahrzeit {anniversary of their deaths}, Momma would cry. Sometimes Momma would go away to another room. She would close the door and weep. Yet I never heard unkind words of any kind. I only saw tears and great sadness regarding my older brothers. Momma could not hold it in even though she was STRONGLY encouraged to do so by my father. Momma rarely spoke of the brothers I never knew. She only cried. Up until the day Momma passed from this earth she cried for my older brothers. Someday I may understand this...

There is a very dear woman who frequently may express the cross side of her nature. Yet she dearly loves G-d and is extremely generous with the little that she has. Still it is real hell to face her cross side. Even when she tries with all her might there are times that something will set her off without warning. She does not mean for it to be like this but it does happen. One day in tears she shared with Naomi, my blessed wife, and me how two of her dear children died at a train crossing. Each year when it draws close to the time of their death she attempts to go into hiding. She misses work. She does not eat or return phone calls. She often stays in bed. For this dear soul it has been like this for a very long time...

Dear ones, if your situation is similar to Naomi, the wife of Eh Lee Meh Lech, or to my momma’s or to our dear friend’s, I wish that there were words to make everything good again, but there are no words that can change what has happened... In the lives of these three dear, precious people there was nothing that could hold back or relax the emotions they felt / feel. Only the Creator can understand what His dear ones are feeling and experiencing.

Almost every day since Easter stores began promoting Mother’s Day. This will be the third year since Momma departed this life, may she rest in peace. I have noticed that each year I miss Momma more and more. Every time I see or hear an announcement about Mother’s Day I remember my dear, dear mother. Nothing will ever come close to filling the huge hole left by Momma’s passing. I have the most wonderful, caring and loving companion, Naomi, my blessed wife. I have two dear sons. My father is alive, may he live and be well. G-d willing he will be eighty-nine years old this year. I have many wonderful, precious relatives and friends, yet nothing will ever fill the huge emptiness left by Momma’s passing. So I now do have some understanding about what it feels like to be empty. Even though it does not come close to the emptiness that others feel and experience like Naomi, the wife of Eh Lee Meh Lech, who lost all that was near and dear to her.

I am sharing that it is O.K. to weep. It is O.K. to express controlled emotions. { I mean when expressing such emotions, try not to hurt others.} This year the first day of Shavuos follows Mother’s Day. Even though we as Jews normally do not observe most non Jewish holidays, we should always remember our mothers and other relatives dear to us. When we miss them it is O.K. to let those emotions out. It is O.K. to say, “I dearly miss you!!” That is how it is! Some of us need to let these pent up emotions out... Naomi, the wife of Eh Lee Meh Lech, could never again feel complete. Life would never be the same for her after the death of her husband and two sons. Even though she had the most special daughter-in-law, nothing would replace what she had lost.

For those who do not understand this please try to be patient. And for those who are as hard as nails... and those who are strong... there are others who choose to always remember in our own special way with our own special feelings, our own emotions and expressions those who made our lives complete... We do this because of those we miss and dearly care about and remember. This does not mean you are not special. This does not mean you are not important. You are!! So on this second day of Shavuos, Shabbos Shavuos - Shabbos which is a day on which we are to greet the Shabbos queen with joy and happiness - some of us will choose to shed tears and express emotions in honor of those we love and will always love. We do not do this to dampen the joy of Shabbos. We will remember with great love those that we miss as two brothers that greatly cared for each other...

One brother was poor with many children. The other brother was rich with no children. A hill separated the valleys where each lived. Often each brother, out of love and concern for the other, would secretly during the late night carry a heavy bag of grain and place it in the other’s barn. The brother with many children reasoned, ‘My brother has no children. He will have no one to care for him when he grows old. My many children will care for me.’ The wealthy brother reasoned. ‘My brother who has many children cannot support them. They will go hungry.’

One night the brothers met with their bags of grain. When they realized what the other brother was doing they embraced and wept tears of joy because of the great love each possessed for the needs and situation of the other. Hashem saw this great emotion and chose that location to build His house, Bais HaMikdosh, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. So on this special Shabbos, Shabbos Shavuos, many of us look forward with great love and emotion to expressing in our own way the memory of those dearly departed that we love!

Wishing you the best!

Dr. Akiva G. Belk

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