The High Holiday of Shavuos
First Day: Exodus 19:1 - 20:23
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Ezekiel 1:1 - 28, 3:12
Shabbos Shavuos
Second Day: Deuteronomy 14:22 - 16:17
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Habakkuk 2:20 - 3:19
Special Reading: Book of Ruth
Praise ©
By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in the loving memory of Mrs. Ethel Sakash Belk my mother, may she rest in peace.
We include the reading of Sefar Roos {Book of Ruth} during the high holiday of Shavuos because it shares the most beautiful story of Ruth converting to Judaism. Sefar Roos shares the tragic story of Naomi, Ruths mother-in-law, and her dire situation. Naomi lost her husband and both sons while living in the land of Moav.
There are seven names of great interest within the first twenty verses of Sefar Roos:
Eh Lee Meh Lech {G-d [the] King}
Naomi {Pleasant One}
Maw Rawh {embittered / depressed}
Mach Lohn {illness / sickness / disease}
Cheel Yohn {destruction / ruin / extinction}
Roos {friend / mate}
Awr Pawh {mane / neck}
We will examine just two of these names. What is the difference between Naomi {Pleasant One} and Maw Rawh {embittered / depressed}? The Gematria for Naomi is 170. The Gematria for Maw Rawh is 245.
Naomi {Pleasant One}
170 = Yud 10 Mem 40 Ayin 70 Nun 50
Maw Rawh {embittered / depressed}
245 = Hey 5 Reish 200 Mem 40
75 = 245 - 170
The Gematria difference between being a pleasant one and being embittered and depressed is Hahl Lee {praise}. The Gematria of Hahl Lee is 75.
We the Jewish people living outside of Yisroel are in exile. Someday our exile will be over. We will return to Yisroel. We will return to Yisroel as we are. We will return with what we posses great or small. We will return happy or sad. G-d willing we will return.
The story of Naomi, wife of Eh Lee Meh Lech, is a story of a pleasant one who left Yisroel complete with her husband and two sons but returned empty, embittered and depressed. Each of us is a descendant of relatives who once left Yisroel. Some returned, many did not. Eretz Yisroel cries out for us to return. Many of us are fearful because of war, death, terrorism and other reasons. Many of us are comfortable in our present situation and do not want to return to Yisroel. Yet if our situation became that of Naomis, we would return. We may return as Naomi did embittered and depressed. We may be just happy to return!
Even though Naomi was embittered and depressed it was not a permanent,
long-lasting situation, thank G-d! Because Naomi did leave Eretz Yisroel with her husband and two sons....
and because her husband died....
and because her two sons did marry women from Moav...
and because they died...
and because one of the daughters-in-law of Naomi who was very special chose to become Jewish and chose to return with Naomi to Eretz Yisroel, WE WHO ARE LIVING IN EXILE CAN REJOICE!! We can rejoice because of what resulted many years later. Ruth, the daughter-in-law of Naomi, married Boaz to give seed to restore the seed of Naomis husband and sons. Through their relationship a son named Obed was born. The community of Bethlehem of Judah said, A son is born to Naomi. That son was the grandfather to Dovid HaMelech, King David. Obed was the father of Jesse and Jesse was the father of David.
It was Dovid HaMelech who taught Yisroel to Praise G-d! He wrote the Tehillim 147 to impart knowledge and to sustain us Jews who are living in exile, some in bitter exile.
In Tehillim 147:12 He wrote, Jerusalem praise Hashem. Hahl Lee {praise} your G-d Zion!
Dear ones, if we are feeling embittered and depressed the best, most direct way to rise from these feelings is to follow Dovid HaMelechs instruction: Praise. It is praise that can lift the embittered and depressed to being the pleasant one!
Hahl Lee {praise}
75 = Yud 10 Lamid 30 Lamid 30 Hey 5
Wishing you the best!
Dr. Akiva G. Belk
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