The High Holiday of Shavuos
First Day: Exodus 19:1 - 20:23
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Ezekiel 1:1 - 28, 3:12
Shabbos Shavuos
Second Day: Deuteronomy 14:22 - 16:17
Maftir: Numbers 28:26-31
Haftarah: Habakkuk 2:20 - 3:19
Special Reading: Book of Ruth
Showing Kindness To The Disagreeable ©
By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in the loving memory of Mrs. Ethel Sakash Belk my mother, may she rest in peace.
We include the reading of Sefar Roos {Book of Ruth} during the high holiday of Shavuos because it shares the most beautiful story of Ruth converting to Judaism. Sefar Roos shares the tragic story of Naomi, Ruths mother-in-law, and her dire situation. Naomi lost her husband and both sons while living in the land of Moav.
It is with this understanding that we ask the question, What does one do when ones mother / mother-in-law is not so kind... not so loving... not so righteous... not easy to get along with... and maybe even despises him or her and what he or she believes in, etc.? Well, that was not the situation between Naomi and Ruth, yet there were differences. Naomi shared her great disappointment when she said Do not call me Naomi {pleasant one}, call me Maw Rawh {embittered / depressed}, [ Why? ] because the M-ghty One has given me bitterness. I was complete [a husband and two sons] when I went out and Hashem has returned me empty. How can you call me Naomi {pleasant one} seeing that Hashem witnessed against me, seeing that the M-ghty One has brought evil on me? Ruth 1:21
Naomi expresses the emotions of one who is embittered. Naomi shares the feelings of a wife and mother who feels like she has lost everything. She expresses the emotions of one who is very sad and depressed! When any person is sad, embittered or depressed it is often difficult living with them and communicating. This was Ruths task. Ruths name means friend / mate. This is exactly what Naomi needed after the death of her husband and two sons. She needed an understanding friend and mate. Would an understanding friend or mate make up for her losses? No! But it would be comforting. Why? A friend is a supporter. A friend expresses sympathy. A friend is normally not hostile. This is what each of us who loses a close relative requires.
Now not every mother / father or mother-in-law / father-in-law whose actions are unacceptable acts in an unacceptable way as the result of losing a close family member. Often there are other reasons. Still being a friend is a very good approach.
Yet it is not always possible to be a friend to one who acts differently or who shares beliefs contrary to Torah. The Gematria for Ruth is 606. This is the same Gematria of Dee Behr Taw {you shall speak}. So Mystically we have in Ruth a friend / mate and in Dee Behr Taw you shall speak. This is Mystically in reference two two points/ First Ruth would speak the words of conversion. Second The word Dee Behr Taw comes from the Torah portion known as the Shema. In the Shema the letter Vav is added to Dee Behr Taw. It becomes Vi Dee Behr Taw {and you shall speak}. Both Dee Behr Taw and Vi Dee Behr Taw fit within the first paragraph of the Shema that says And You shall speak of them when you sitin your home, when you retire and when you arise... Deuteronomy 6:7. This is in reference to the words of the Torah. The word Vi Dee Behr Taw {And You shall speak} mystically points to Bris {Covenant for ladies / Covenant / cut agreement for men}.
The Gematria Vi Dee Behr Taw {and you shall speak} is what ruth did. She spoke words of the convert. She spoke the following words as she entered into the Jewish Covenant with G-d:
And Ruth said, do not urge me to leave you, or not to follow after you: for where you go, I will go; and where you lodge, I will lodge: Your people shall be my people, and your G-d shall be my G-d! Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. May Hashem do to me, and more also, if aught but death part you and me. Ruth 1: 16,17
Roos / Ruth {friend / mate}
606 = Sav 400 Vav 6 Reish 200
Dee Behr Taw {you shall speak}
606 = Sav 400 Reish 200 Bais 2 Dalet 4
Vi Dee Behr Taw {and you shall speak}
612 = Sav 400 Reish 200 Bais 2 Dalet 4 Vav 6
Bris {Covenant / cut agreement}
612 = Sav 400 Yud 10 Reish 200 Bais 2
This is the Dee Behr Taw, the eternal words that Ruth was destined to say. In knowing this, one gains a very valuable lesson. Ones friend / mate is supposed to speak the words of Torah ...when you sit in your home, when you retire and when you arise... These are the EXACT same words commanded of a mother/ father or of a mother-in-law / father-in-law. The Torah says, You [the parent] are to teach them to your children [grandchildren] and you [the parent / parent-in-law] are to discuss them when you sit in your home, when you retire and when you arise... Deuteronomy 6:7.
The lesson that we gain from the Shema is that parents and friends do what the Torah commands. People who do not observe the words of the Torah are not parents or friends. They are relatives, you are related to them. They are acquaintances. They are someone you know and work with or must function with from time to time.
Chassidim, understand the difference between parents and friends on the one hand and relatives and acquaintances on the other! Parents and friends observe the Bris of Hashem! They make every attempt to follow the terms of our agreement with
G-d! There is an open channel of communication established with them. That communication is the Torah. To relatives and acquaintances this channel is not available. Communication and relationships break down in the absence of Torah!
Wishing you the best!
Dr. Akiva G. Belk
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