This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in the loving memory of Mr. Donald Wayne Belk and Mr. Gary Lee Belk, my older brothers, may they rest in peace.
Dear ones every Jew is required to use a Sukkah during these Seven Days. This is not a requirement for Spiritualists. The Torah states, In Sukkot [all of] you shall dwell for Seven Days. All [and the] native [born] In Yisroel shall dwell in the Sukkot. Leviticus 23:42
According to the Sages this includes even the convert living outside of Yisroel because of the word Cawl {ALL} in All / Every native [born] In Yisroel... Why? Because the Cawl is not required to make the statement understood. The Torah could have simply said natives [born] in Yisroel shall dwell in the sukkos. The all is understood without actually saying it. Therefore the Cawl must be for another reason. That reason is to include Cawl All Yisroel. This is one of those places where one must understand the intention of Torah and translate the intention as well.
This intention is later reenforced in the next verse. For the sake that future generations will know that in Sukkts I made everything from Aleph to Tav of Bnei Yisroel Dwell when I removed them from the land of Mitzriam. Leviticus 23:43 Here the word Ehs which I believe to be translated as everything from Aleph to Tav of enforces what the Sages say.
It is odd that the word Taysh Vu is used to represent 'Dwell' in place of the Word Yoh Shayv Dwell. One must wonder why the letter Tav replaces the letter Yud.
When one considers that the same letters of Vav Bais Shin Sav {read them right to left} also represents another meaning... another word... when the vowels are changed. Taysh Vu can also mean be pronounced as Taw Shoov meaning return. Yet we say dwell instead of return? Why? In a since we are returning so why not say return?
One reason is that those whom have converted to Judaism do not have a Sukkah to return to. So if we were placing the emphasis on return instead of dwell they would be excluded. At least they might be made to feel as if they were not included. Dwell includes all Jews. It includes the Jews whose ancestors did dwell in the sukkah and it includes the Jews who recently converted. This is why one must understand the wording as well as the intention of Torah here.
Now the Gematria difference between Taysh Vu {Dwell} and Yoh Shayv {Dwell} is 390.
Taysh Vu {Dwell}
708 = Vav 6 Bet 2 Shin 300 Tav 400
Yoh Shayv {Dwell}
318 = Vav 6 Bais 2 Shin 300 Yud 10
390 = 708 - 318
The first point that one should notice is that the first letter of Taysh Vu is the letter Tav. The Sav appears like an open doorway that anyone could walk through. This again re-enforces the openness of Sukkos. Now when one observes the word Yoh Shayv the First Letter is the letter Yud. The Yud is the smallest letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet. The Yud appears like a small door that is barely open. It might be difficult for some to walk through this door.
The second point is notice the Gematria difference between the two. The Gematria for the word Shaw Mah Yeem {Heavens} represents this difference. The heavens are wide open as represented by the letter Tav. Remember Hashem took Avram outside in Genesis 15:5 and told him to look at the heavens. Now the Gematrias are not the same here but the point is consider the vastness of the heavens. Consider the openness of the heavens. Can you count all the stars? In this instance the difference between the Tav and the Yud is the openness that the Tav represents.
Shaw Mah Yeem {Heaven}
390 = Mem 40 Yud 10 Mem 40 Shin 300
The Gematria of the word Meech Shohl {stumbling block} has been removed with the usage of dwell in place of return. Dwell includes everyone where as return only includes some.
Meech Shohl {stumbling block}
390 = Lamid 30 Shin 300 Chof 20 Mem 40
Now having said this it is our desire at that every Jew should have a very good sukkts this year and every year.
Wishing you the best!
Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk
Books by Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk