Parshas Bereishis
Genesis 1:1 6:8
Him, Them or What? ©
By Dr. Akiva G. Belk
This study of the weekly parsha is dedicated in the loving memory of my mother, Mrs. Ethel Channah Sakash Belk, may she rest in peace
This [is the] Book of [the] descendants / children of a Adam / man in the day G-d created Adam. Bereishis 5:1
Toh Li Doht is the plural of Toh Law Daw {result, consequence, outcome, birth, offspring, descendant}. Pointing this out is significant because Toh Li Doht is often translated as histories or generations. Even though Toh Li Doht is somewhat different from Toh Law Daw it remains consistent. I point this out because our sages state this same phrase may be translated as This is the book, on the day G-d created Adam he had children. This second translation is also very acceptable, especially when one understands the meaning of the singular Toh Law Daw. Yet the translation we began our study with is the normal way we translate this passage.
Now dear ones, in our Spiritualist parsha on of this past week we discussed this in a study entitled; Vi Haw Aw Dawm - Yaw Dah {And the Adam Knew}. There we gave several additional proofs regarding the birth of Kayin and Hevel being born on the sixth day. If you would like to review this lesson email me and Ill send you a copy, G-d willing.
However our discussion today is centered on the point:
In the day G-d created Adam He made him in [the] likeness of G-d.
In the day G-d created {Bi Raw - singular} Adam He [G-d] made {Aw Saw - singular} him {Oh Toh - plural for them - Adam] in [the] likeness {Beed Mut - plural} of G-d. Now after reviewing this verse one must ask the question how can the Torah use the singular words Bi Raw {created} and Aw Saw {made} with reference to G-d as being singular yet in conjunction with the plural word Beed Mut {in [the] likeness}? To understand this we must go to the next verse.
Zaw Cawr {Male} Ouv Ni Kay Vaw {and female} Bi Raw Awm {He created them} and He blessed them and called them [everything from Aleph to Sav of the] name Adam in the day they were created. Bereishis 5:2
So we see that within the name of Adam the reference to both the male and female existed. Since that reference clearly exists in the words of the text without argument, this means it is understood and accepted as existing by scholars. One must question the usage of the word Oh Toh which has a Vav at the end. Why is Oh Toh translated him instead of them? The Ayt {Aleph Sav} often represents the word you. When the Vav is added to the conclusion of the word it should represent a plural you or them, not a singular you or him. Lets read the text with the them instead of the him.
In the day G-d created Adam He made them in [the] likeness of G-d. This is actually the correct translation. Yet we still translate this as him instead of them. Why do we do this? When the them is used it becomes very clear why the plural word Beed Mut {in likeness} was used. Beed Mut could not refer to G-d as having more than one likeness since G-d is One. Beed Mut could not refer to a multiplex of g-ds since G-d is One and only One and since the text already recognizes G-d in the singular with the words Bi Raw and Aw Saw as explained earlier. Therefore the only conclusion one can arrive at is that the reference must be to more than one person. The reference must be to them. Understanding this one must again ask, so why is it translated as him instead of them? The intention is clearly to them and not to him. To understand this one must refer to the study The Adam in another lesson on entitled, How The Torah Empowers And Honors Women.
So the point to this is simply that the sign of the Oh Toh or Oh Soh is what follows. It is in reference to what would happen later in the sixth day. It is in reference to when Chava would be taken from Adam. So the reference here as him is pointing to when they {Adam and Chava} were the Adam in one body. That is what the plural him is pointing to. That is what the plural Beed Mut is making reference to.
Wishing you the best!
Dr. Akiva G. Belk
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