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Dr. Akiva Gamliel And Rebbetzin Brachah Rivkah Belk

This is The Sukkah Area And Materials Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk Rebbetzin Brachah Rivkah Belk
Dr. Akiva Gamliel is building the First Wal.l Rebbetzin Revi is securing the first Wall. Dr. Akiva Gamlile builds the Second Wall.
Rebbetzin Revi secures another Wall. Dr. Akiva Gamliel puts Schach up. Rebbetzin Revi puts Schach up.
Dr. Akiva Gamliel finishes building The Sukkah Rebbetzin Revi Phones for some help. Our Sukkah minutes before Sukkot began.